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Home Care: Misconceptions & Hesitations – Part 2

Home Care Hesitations

In Part 1 of this discussion, we went over five of the most common misconceptions and some of the reasons why you might be hesitant to utilize the services for yourself or your loved ones. Home health agencies offer a wide range of highly beneficial services, but some things that you have heard about them might be holding you back from embracing them. In this article, we will cover additional misconceptions that many individuals might have about home care services, as well as provide some information on how these services might be right for you.

Home Health Care is For Those Who Lack Independence

Many individuals might be reluctant to hire an in-home caregiver through a home health agency due to fearing that it means they have lost their independence or have started to give it up.

This, however, is also very far from reality, since having a home health aide around can actually have quite the opposite effect.

Instead of experiencing a loss of independence, individuals actually tend to feel re-energized and confident in taking on additional tasks.

Caretakers such as companions and home health aides can assist with performing more difficult tasks such as cooking, light housekeeping, as well as assistance with the 6 ADLs or Activities of Daily Living, such as bathing and eating.

Having assistance with these tasks helps keep individuals from having to leave the comfort of their own home compared to relocating to an independent or assisted living facility. This in turn offers more independence in having the freedom to go about their daily life as they always have.

Fear of Mistreatment or Abuse by Caregivers

This is an issue that can create a lot of anxiety for family members that are at a distance and rely on home care providers to assist their loved one. While there is no 100% guarantee of this being avoided, there are things you and the home care agency can to do mitigate the risk.

Doing your research and interviewing reputable home health agencies that others have had good experiences and positive reviews with is a step towards making sure that you are staying as safe as possible.

Home health agencies should conduct background checks on their caregivers and make sure that they have all the necessary licensing and paperwork completed. This is something that you should ask about and make sure of when interviewing any agencies you might be considering.

Having a neighbor or friend to conduct random checkups to talk with your loved one and look for signs of mistreatment can also help if something is suspected. If this is the case, you should immediately contact the agency's supervisor and alert them. They don’t want any association with unruly caregivers and will be on your side in prosecuting any wrongdoing.

Home Health Care Doesn’t Benefit Those Who Need 24/7 Care

Individuals might be hesitant about hiring home care assistance due to the belief that home health agencies don’t accommodate 24-hour care. People might then opt for facilities such as nursing homes if they feel as if they need constant supervision.

Home care agencies are extremely flexible and the beauty of them is that your care gets decided according to your specific needs and your care plan is highly individualized.

If 24/7 care is what fits your plan, most home health agencies will be able to do this for you in a variety of ways by creating a team of home health aides to ensure round the clock care.

If you or your loved one prefers not to deal with a few different caregivers, the agency can also discuss having a live-in aide.

The Home Health Aide Will Replace Family Members

You may be in a situation where a family member is taking care of you, or you might be the family member taking care of an aging loved one.

Home care is extremely beneficial when family members cannot provide care any longer or for a certain amount of time but still want their loved ones to remain safely in the comfort of their own homes.

However, companion caregivers can't replace the role of family members. They only add a level of support and assistance when family members might not be able to, or to provide care that they require specialized training.

I Have To Qualify Per A Doctor’s Order To Receive Home Care

Some are under the impression that home care is only available to recover from a hospital/rehab visit, or after a doctor has deemed it necessary.

While home health can be a great option for people who fit into that category, the majority of home care services are completely voluntary and do not require approval from a medical professional.

Overall, there are many things to consider to determine if home care is right for you. We hope this provides insight or at least opens up the conversation with you and other family members about issues that may create hesitation in receiving assistance.

If you are interested in possibly hiring a home health professional in the Palm Beach County area or are simply searching for more information on home health care, here at Unified Pledge Home Health, we offer a FREE consultation to review your situation and help you decide what type of care is best suited for it.

Hiring professionals from Unified Pledge comes with the following advantages:

  • Level II FBI background checks of all staff

  • Driving history checks

  • Companions, health aides, LPNs are our direct employees and not independent contractors

  • Constant communication to patients, family, and care team

  • Registered Nurse supervision is ongoing with every care plan

Contact us today for a free consultation by Supervisory Nurse at 561-910-8770.

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